Below, read some comments from some of our Kumon parents.
My brother-in-law's children did Kumon and I saw how helpful it was for them. I thought that if I could just get my son to do the basics and have him efficient in addition, subtraction and give him a head start at school, that was originally what I wanted him to do. Then, the more and more I got involved in Kumon and could see how driven my son was, I thought that if he could do the majority of this in primary school, imagine how easy high school would be for him. I found my own time at school a bit challenging, and although I was in advanced maths, I had to work really hard. For my son, he's loving high school because it's taking him no time to do his work and I just thought, 'Oh, I wish I had Kumon when I was younger!' So it was originally for him to get the foundations and if we got anything else out of it, it was a bonus. However, the more I saw him work through it, the more I thought, 'It'll make his high school life easier.'
- Maria Paola, mother of three Kumon students
Maria and her three children

Jasmine was struggling in school and we had done the tutoring, we had done all the extra things you would usually do and then someone suggested Kumon. I thought the repetition of Kumon would help Jasmine as she really needed the practice so that's why we started it. She's gone from nights of tears because school homework was too much or not being able to understand it to doing her homework at school because she's so far ahead of her class. It's an unbelievable change.
- Eleanor, mother of two Kumon students
Jasmine with her sister Jessica

I sound like a typical mum when I say this but she was a smart child and she was very keen to learn how to read and write. The reading part was never much of an issue but the writing part, having someone who knows how to teach the correct pencil grip, I thought it would be better if she went somewhere professional. Initially, she only did English but then we thought we may as well do maths too. I didn't want her to be held back and I didn't want her to be pushed too much either so for me, Kumon was exactly the right level, it was at the student's pace. And our Instructor was great at that, knowing when to push ahead and when to give her some breathing space and I was always happy to go with whatever she says.
- Elizabeth, mother of Kumon English Completer
Kumon English Completer, Isabel